Pennysaver Ads

Wharton Valley and Turnpike Pennysaver Ad Sponsors                               
We have been joined by our concerned neighbors from the following towns as sponsors of the ads in the Wharton Valley and Turnpike Pennysaver. These individuals and advocate groups contribute money to pay for the ads.This makes it possible for us to reach a wider audience with information about the impacts of fracking on people and the environment. If you would like to donate to help support these ads please contact: 

  • Concerned Burlington Neighbors, PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY 13315, 
  • Advocates for Morris, PO Box 177, Morris,,                    
  • Protect
  • Advocates for Springfield, Harry Levine, President, PO Box 25, Springfield Center, NY 13468                
  • ___________________________________________________________________


    According to National Public Radio, "a University of Texas study that says hydraulic natural gas fracturing is safe has been withdrawn, and its author has retired and left the university."  This happened "after an independent review of national experts found it scientifically unsound and tainted by conflicts of interest."  Dr. Charles Groat, the author of the study, also sat on the board of a natural gas company and received more than a million and a half dollars in compensation. Dr. Raymond Orbach – head of the U of T Energy Institute – has resigned his position in the wake of the scandal.                     

    The Toronto Globe and Mail quoted the panel as saying, "In studies of controversial topics, such as the impact on public health and the environment potentially stemming from shale-gas hydraulic fracturing, credibility hinges upon full disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest by all participants and upon rigorous, independent reviews of findings. This study failed in both regards."
    Dr. Groat’s report “is similar to a fracking study at SUNY Buffalo, which was also recently withdrawn because of questions about its credibility." In addition to the questions of quality and independence in Texas and Buffalo, a similar study was canceled "after professors at Penn State University refused to participate."                   In 3 months, 3 studies linked to the Oil & Gas industry have been discredited.              
    If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
    These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Morris, New Lisbon, Pittsfield,                                                Roseboom & Springfield.  Find us at:                                                                                     PO Box 56,       Burlington Flats, NY 13315       607-965-8564                            
    The oil and gas industry apparently believes its own propaganda – that modern drilling techniques are environmentally friendly. Maybe it’s time the true-believers at the Independent Oil and Gas Association of       New York stop by my small farm in the Town of Arcade, NY and see, first hand, the mess made by one of      their drillers.
    Before the drillers arrived two years ago, my land produced excellent quality hay, feed for my livestock. Then the state Department of Environmental Conservation gave the company permission to level eight acres of land for a drilling rig next to my hay fields.
    Down the drill bit went to the Theresa sandstone 6,000 feet below. Up came tens of thousands of gallons of toxic drilling fluids to fill a pond built for that purpose. But, when four days of heavy rain washed out the small poly-lined pond, guess where all of those toxic fluids ended up? Yep, in my fields and an adjoining neighbor’s field.
    How could this happen if the drilling is environmentally friendly? Well, first of all, the drillers did not care enough to protect my land from a natural downpour, a commonplace event. Perhaps to save a few construction dollars and fatten their bottom line?
    Next, the DEC failed to inspect the drilling operation to make sure my land was protected. If the DEC has the authority to issue the drilling permit, doesn’t it also share the responsibility to protect my land and, when things go wrong, share the blame? Can we count on the state to do its job? Apparently not.
    I asked the Wyoming County Soil and Conservation office to look at my hay field. Its agent described the damage caused by the drillers in a blistering five-page report. At last, I had some hope that the drilling company would do the right thing and offer to pay for removal of the toxic wastes covering my hay field. Nope. The company did not move. And the county has no legal authority to force drillers to fix anything.
    Then, to my surprise, an engineering firm hired by the drillers stopped by. His conclusion agreed with the Wyoming County study. My hay field was ruined by the company’s own drillers. The engineer’s recommendation: Build a storm retention pond and release the water slowly through the new roadway. The storm water retention pond was never built.
    Finally it dawned on me. No one would help me. Not the drilling company. Not the Oil and Gas Association that represents the drilling company. Not my own town government, not even the state agency that gave the driller a license to ruin my hay field.
    Now I am buying hay at $8 a bale for my cattle – many times more than the costs to grow my own hay. I have hired a lawyer and I am suing the drillers.
    The next time you are tempted to believe the oil and gas industry propaganda, stop by my farm for a dose of reality.         
    Published in The Buffalo News, author John Peters runs a small farm in the Town of Arcade, NY.
    These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Exeter, Morris, New Lisbon, Pittsfield, Roseboom & Springfield
    .    Reach us at:      607-965-8457     PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY, 13315
      A recent report by Ivan White, a staff scientist for 30 years with the National Council on Radiation Protection, states that fracking could “result in the production of large amounts of waste materials containing Radium-226 and Radium-228 in both solid and liquid mediums.” The hydrofracturing process can bring large quantities of naturally radioactive substances to the surface that will remain toxic for thousands of years. 
      Doug Wood, of Grassroots Environmental Education and editor of the report, noted, “Once radioactive material comes out of the ground along with the gas, the problem is what to do with it. The radioactivity lasts for thousands of years, and it is virtually impossible to eliminate or mitigate. Sooner or later, it’s going to end up in our environment and eventually our food chain. It’s a problem with no good solution—and the DEC is unequipped to handle it.”
      Wood said “We must say no to fracking—and implement the use of sustainable forms of energy that don’t kill.”                                                                                                 
    Please visit our website for additional information.
    These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Morris, New Lisbon, Pittsfield,                                                       Roseboom & Springfield.  Find us at:                                                                              PO Box 56,       Burlington Flats, NY 13315       607-965-8564

GAS DRILLING – Farming and Fracking Don’t Mix
The future of agriculture in Otsego County may well be tied to the future of fracking in New York. While some people claim that mining the resource is the only way to help farms survive, according to Penn State, “Natural-gas development appears to be associated with falling dairy production in Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale region.”
Meredith, NY, farmer Ken Jaffe is concerned about air pollution. He says that without healthy pasture his cows won’t grow and his beef won’t sell. Greg Swartz, an Upper Delaware River Valley farmer said, “I’ve already heard from a couple of customers that they’re concerned about the location of a drill site near my farm – in terms of the quality and safety of my food… There very well may be a point where I am not comfortable selling vegetables from the farm anymore because I’m concerned about water and air contamination issues.”                                                                                                                                               
Very little research has been done on the effect of fracking chemicals on animals and crops. Wes Gillingham of Catskill Mountainkeeper says, “It’s a serious issue in terms of potential contamination getting to market and nobody knowing about it…It’s an important piece of research that needs to be done.” One problem is that lack of money and time make documentation difficult.                 

These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Exeter, Morris, New Lisbon,                                                         Pittsfield, Roseboom & Springfield.   Reach us at: ________________________________________________________________

GAS DRILLING – They Call This Enforcement?
Earthworks Oil and Gas Accountability Project recently released an eye-opening report entitled:                                      "Breaking All the Rules: The Crisis in Oil & Gas Regulatory Enforcement”                     
Among their findings in Pennsylvania:                                                                                                                    
·  Pennsylvania recommends at least five inspections of each well during the drilling and completion stages, and at least one inspection per year thereafter for producing wells.
·  According to PA DEP data, in 2010 the agency’s 84 inspectors inspected 8,565 wells. More than 82,000 (or 91%) of the state’s active wells were not inspected at all.  At that rate, it would take ten and a half years to inspect all currently existing active wells in Pennsylvania.
·   When inspections did uncover rule violations, they were often not formally recorded – and that decision was often left up to the discretion of the individual inspector.
·  When violations are recorded, they result in few penalties.
· When penalties are assessed, they provide little incentive for companies to not 
offend again.

Why would anyone think that New York will do better?
These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Exeter, Morris, New Lisbon,                                                               Pittsfield, Roseboom & Springfield.   Reach us at:

“A regulatory system cannot work if it is against an industry that refuses to accept the obligation to be a good neighbor.”  Al Appleton, former Commission or the NYC Dept. of Environmental Protection, explains, “This is an industry that grew up used to it’s privileged place in American industry that grew up exempted by Dick Cheney from federal industry that believes that as long as it gets out the product, it is meeting the national industry that, quite frankly, no one ever got promoted into senior management for being good with communities or good with the environment. They only got promoted because they got the product out.”
“This is not an industry that goes out to deliberately pollute, but the truth of the matter is that this industry has given no evidence that it cares. That it cares about being a good neighbor, that it cares about anything but production.”
“This is an industry that can’t afford to do it right. To do shale gas fracking right, to take care of the waste water, to deal with the air emissions, to mitigate the transportation impacts, to drill, to design and manage pipelines and compressors stations that do not bleed methane into the environment. To make sure that the well casings are done properly would be enormously expensive. This is an industry that is not making back it’s cash flow. This is an industry that can’t afford to do it right.”                                                                                                                                   
These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Exeter, Morris, New Lisbon,                                                                Pittsfield, Roseboom & Springfield.   Reach us at:                                                                                                                                             PO  Box 56      Burlington Flats, NY 13315      607-965-8564   

Al Appleton hasn’t always believed that shale gas fracking should be banned in NY State. In the 1990’s he was the DEP Commissioner for NYC and the Director of the NYC Water and Sewer system where he developed and implemented regulations to protect the watershed. I have some knowledge of what’s involved in regulation and it’s not a pretty picture.”
   “I could, with the right set of people sit down and on paper write a set of regulations that would supposedly protect the environment. But I know as a person who had to create such regulations and make them stick… that there is no way in hell that those regulations would ever be carried out. No government to my knowledge is going to be willing to tell the gas fracking industry, ‘You have a 15 million dollar well here and you must stop it, because you are violating something environmental.’  No government that I know of, is talking about building the size of enforcement staff, the hundreds and hundreds of people, the inspectors, the on site managers of concrete quality, the people who would deal with the watershed issues that would be able to enforce this. Quite frankly, if you are not willing to beat people over the head with a hammer in a regulatory context, this industry will not play ball with you.”
  “Anyone who thinks that this is an industry that intends to adopt a responsible attitude towards being a good neighbor is cordially invited to go over to PA and look at what the industry did with the gas fracking legislation that went through the state legislature this year. They essentially steamrollered over local home rule, they essentially steamrollered over environmental standards, they basically said the public be damned.”                   
These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Exeter, Morris, New Lisbon,                                                           Pittsfield, Roseboom & Springfield.   Reach us at:                                                                                                      PO  Box 56    Burlington Flats, NY 13315    607-965-8564

GAS DRILLING – Another Story of False Promise and Disrespect.
Ron Gulla is a 56 year old farmer and salesman of heavy construction equipment from Washington County, PA. He leased his 140 acre farm in 2002 when he was sold the tale of a simple vertical gas well, from which he would get free gas for his farm. In hindsight he knows that was another false promise. Instead, what he ended up with was a contaminated 2.5-acre cattle pond with dead fish and plants. His fields were ripped up. Murky fluid boiled up near one of the four wellheads on his property, eroding his driveway, and poisoning his soil. The gas company still denies any wrongdoing, though they did eventually pay Gulla $1.5 million dollars
for his farm.
"I had a dream here, something I worked seven days a week to build," Gulla explained. "I never would have leased my farm if they had told me what was coming. I was lied to and used, but the gas companies have been elevated above the law. Their wells and their profits have been deemed more important than good food and clean water.                                                    
They treated my farm like a landfill." Gulla says, that the deceit and misinformation he witnessed are inherent in the industry. “If you sign your mineral rights away, you’re signing your land away.”        

These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Exeter, Morris, New Lisbon,                                                              Pittsfield, Roseboom & Springfield.   Reach us at:


“The tremendous amount of water needed for hydraulic fracturing, anywhere between      1 to 8 million gallons of water per well with some wells being fracked up to 18 times, can have tremendous impact on local watersheds. The current drought more clearly shows that natural gas drilling is a non-sustainable energy practice that can significantly   diminish our precious fresh water supply.”                                 
In this drought-ridden summer of 2012, oil companies in Kansas are struggling to find   the water they so desperately need for the hydo-fracking process. Oil and gas drillers are competing with farmers for water – their land’s lifeblood. Some suggest that there isn't enough water for both. Tom Giessel, who grows wheat, corn and sorghum in Pawnee County, Kansas says  “We’ve had dry years, and we’ve had hot years. Now we’re experiencing both.”  Giessel, a trained geologist as well as a farmer, is concerned that small farmers won’t be able to compete for water with the wealthy gas industry.                                                                          
All of the fresh water used becomes contaminated in the fracking of the shale. There is  no reclaiming process that can restore the toxic water to it’s former clean state.  
                            At what cost do we allow fracking in our towns?
These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Exeter, Morris, New Lisbon,                                                            Pittsfield, Roseboom & Springfield.    Reach us at:


GAS DRILLING – Will you be insured?
Nationwide Mutual Insurance has become the first major insurance company that will not cover damage related to hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” Nationwide said risks involved in fracking operations "are too great to ignore" and apply to policies of commercial contractors and landowners who lease property to gas companies.

The Nationwide memo reads: "After months of research and discussion, we have determined that the exposures presented by hydraulic fracturing are too great to ignore. Risks involved with hydraulic fracturing are now prohibited for General Liability, Commercial Auto, Motor Truck Cargo, Auto Physical Damage and Public Auto (insurance) coverage." It said "prohibited risks" apply to landowners who lease land for shale gas drilling and contractors involved in fracking operations, including those who haul water to and from drill sites; pipe and lumber haulers; and operators of bulldozers, dump trucks and other vehicles used in drill site preparation.
   Some banks are saying no mortgages if there is fracking. Now insurance may be hard to find.
These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Exeter, Morris, New Lisbon,                                                                             Pittsfield, Roseboom & Springfield.  Reach us at:                                                                                                            PO Box 56,       Burlington Flats, NY 13315       607-965-8564


GAS DRILLING – Is our health at risk?
   A compilation of independent scientific studies and reports related to the health impacts of hydro-fracking was delivered to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo last month by a group of medical doctors and scientists. These experts have requested a meeting with the Governor to discuss his desire for “the facts and logic and science and information,” which he says will be the basis for his decision on the controversial gas drilling technique.
   “The Governor cannot possibly make an informed decision on one of the most important public health issues of our lifetime based solely on industry-sponsored science, or agency reports that do not include any analysis of the public health impacts of hydro-fracking, particularly on the most vulnerable, which includes our children,” says Dr. Ronald Bishop, Professor of Biochemistry at SUNY-Oneonta.
      “We know now that children may have genetic vulnerabilities for such conditions as autism, brain cancers and other chronic diseases, but that environmental insults can trigger the onset or progression, “says pediatric neurologist Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein, Assistant Clinical Professor of Neurology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. “It is imperative that the Governor review the scientific evidence outlining the toxic impact of fracking on children, pregnant women and others.”                                                                                                   
Don’t our families deserve better?                                                                                                   

These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Exeter, Morris, New Lisbon,                                                              Pittsfield, Roseboom & Springfield.   Reach us at: __________________________________________________________________________________________
GAS DRILLING – Link Between Low Birth Weight and Fracking?
      Elaine L. Hill, is a Cornell University doctoral candidate and author of the working paper, “Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Infant Health: Evidence from Pennsylvania.”, which she presented at a hearing hosted by Senator Tony Avella on Gas Drilling. Her findings suggest that the health of newborns may be negatively impacted in areas where shale gas fracking takes place.                                                                          
Hill’s research considered among other things, birth weight and premature births beginning in 2003 prior to the start of the drilling in question through 2010. The data focused on those living within 1 ½ miles of gas development sites. PA statistics showed an increase in gas wells from 20 in 2007 to 4,272 by the end of 2010.
  “A mother’s exposure to fracking before birth increases the overall prevalence of low birth weight by 25 percent,” said Hill. “According to current estimates, a single low birth weight infant costs society, on average, $51,000 during the first year of life,” not to mention loss of income for the parents and long term cost for the child.                  

These ads are paid for by your neighbors in the towns of Burlington, Edmeston, Exeter, Morris, New Lisbon,                                                              Pittsfield, Roseboom & Springfield.    Reach us at:                                                                      607-965-8564    PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY, 13315

The oil and gas industry receives billions of dollars in tax breaks from the federal government. It is exempt from at least 8 different health and safety laws. These laws were designed to protect us. By allowing this industry to pollute our air and water, to negatively affect our health, to degrade our forests and wildlife habitat, we give this industry more subsidies. The value of lost wildlife is not their concern.  Will the gas industry pay the cost of your child's asthma treatments?  In years to come - once the industry leaves town - who will take responsibility for deteriorating well casings that allow toxic fluids into the ground water?  They profit while we pay.
Industry exemptions include:  1) Clean Water Act   2) Safe Drinking Water Act   3) National Environmental Policy Act   
4) Clean Air Act   5) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act   6) Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act 7) Toxic Release Inventory under the Emergency Planning and Community 
Right-to-Know Act  8) Superfund Law                                          
We always cite web links to support our facts.
Roseboom Owners Awareness Response, Advocates for Springfield, Concerned Burlington Neighbors
          GAS DRILLING – WELL SEALS FAIL   June 26, 2012   pg 7
According to the Albany Times-Union, “There is no such thing as a leakproof gas well. The gas industry knows this; in fact, it has known it for decades.”  Industry studies show about 6 percent of new wells have a loss of integrity and PA’s own DEP statistics confirm that in 2010 and 2011, 6.2% of Marcellus wells failed immediately. “When the cement fails, it opens a pathway for gas and other toxins involved in the drilling and fracking process to migrate into groundwater and to the surface.”                                                                             
Dr. Tony IngraffeaProfessor of Engineering at Cornell University, explains that more failures will happen over time. Steel joints fail. High salt content will corrode the steel pipes and cement sheathing. The cement can lose its integrity as it ages. These problems are exacerbated by numerous technical challenges involved in cement application. The industry wants you to believe that multiple wellbore layers are better. It doesn’t matter. The outer layer - the contact layer – is what matters. Regarding rates of failure, Dr. Ingraffea concludes “This is a chronic problem, the industry has always known about and….it’s too damn complex to fix.”                                                                                        
Our ads are always paid for by your neighbors, never by outside interests.
Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield, New Lisbon Neighbors, Concerned Burlington Neighbors                                                                                        607-965-8564  
                            _______________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                                     GAS DRILLING – THE SILENCE OF THE VICTIMS  June 5, 2012  pg 7
Two Pennsylvania newspapers are looking to unseal court records to shed some light on one family’s nightmare. The companies named in the suit are fighting to keep the records sealed. Chris and Stephanie Hallowich's home in western PA became surrounded by industry operations: gas wells, a gas processing plant, a compressor station, a pipeline and a water impoundment. First their water went bad, turning black. Soon after, the family experienced severe nosebleeds, headaches, burning eyes and throats. Unable to resolve their water and air quality problems through state regulators, and needing to get their children out of harm’s way, they sued. A settlement required them to sign a non-disclosure agreement. The couple has struggled with the reality that they are no longer able to speak about any aspect of what happened to them.
“People living in communities where the gas industry operates have important firsthand knowledge of the impacts of gas development. But time and again, these people are silenced by industry-mandated non-disclosure agreements in lawsuits as well as leases,” said Dr. Simona Perry, Research Scientist, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. “As their neighbors struggle to contend with these impacts, they are unable to share their knowledge. Whole communities are impacted as a result.” scientists-advocates
Please visit our web site for additional information.
Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield, New Lisbon Neighbors and Concerned Burlington Neighbors                                                                                       PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY 13315 607-965-8564                                                                                                                           ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
We hear over and over that gas drilling and fracking are "safe". Meanwhile, the industry settles out-of-court with victims who are required to sign non-disclosure agreements to keep them silent.
It isn't just one or two families that have been harmed. Citizens concerned about the health and environmental effects of fracking have started documenting the hundreds of families that have been affected. Negative impacts include natural gas and toxic materials in water wells, sickness from exposure to air pollutants, impacts to farm land and farming operations, stress from constant lights and noise, impacts to surface water, and, sick and poisoned livestock.
Symptoms reported by those exposed are extensive. However, commonalities emerge. These exposures occur all over the country - wherever new gas drilling technologies are being used.
                        Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield, New Lisbon Neighbors  and  Concerned Burlington Neighbors                                                       PO Box 56,     Burlington Flats, NY 13315       607-965-8564                                                                                                   
GAS DRILLING – Why is the Industry Exempt From Health and Safety Laws? May 29, 2012  pg 7  
Oil and gas industry workers have exemptions from highway traffic safety rules that allow them to work longer hours than most other industries.  The National Transportation Safety Board strongly opposes these exemptions. Sleep deprived workers are using drugs to help them get through their shifts. Fatalities in this industry are 7x the national average. Between 2009 and this past February, Pennsylvania State Police inspected 2,200 oil and gas industry trucks and found 40% of them unsafe to the point that they were taken off the highway.        
How many other exemptions does the gas and oil industry get?              
  1) Clean Water Act    2) Safe Drinking Water Act    3) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act 
  4) Clean Air Act    5) Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act    
   6) Toxic Release Inventory under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act   
  7) National Environmental Policy Act    8) Super Fund Act
Industry exemptions risk our health and safety.  Visit our website to read the entire article.
Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield, New Lisbon Neighbors, Concerned Burlington Neighbors                                                                                        607-965-8564

The Wharton and Butternut Creeks are local treasures. They harbor rare species. You can catch trout in their clean waters.  The Butternut has a resident, breeding population of Brook Trout - a trout that requires clean, cool water.  These streams are part of the Upper Susquehanna Watershed, sending water to Chesapeake Bay – an estuary in trouble. The millions of gallons needed to frack each well will come from local water sources. Low water levels result in warm water and the concentration of contaminants. Trout cannot tolerate warm water. These millions of gallons of clean water will be mixed with chemicals and end up as waste water laced with toxins.

Besides water withdrawals, threats to our streams include contamination from leaks and spills. We regularly hear about spills in PA. Whether you care about the streams that run through our towns, or the Chesapeake watershed encompassing thousands of square miles, gas drilling threatens our surface waters. /articles/fishing/trout-fishing/where-fish-trout/2009/07/natural-gas-extraction-threatens-appalachian                

Advocates for Morris, New Lisbon Neighbors, Protect Pittsfield and Concerned Burlington Neighbors
Gas Drilling – Can it affect your mortgage?  May 15, 2012  pg 11
Brian and Amy Smith of Daisytown, PA in Washington County live across the road from a new gas well. The drilling is not what has the owners upset. It's that their  application for a new mortgage on their  $230,000 home has been denied, by 3 national lenders.
Quicken Loans wrote: “Unfortunately, we are unable to move forward with this loan. It is located across the street from a gas drilling site.”  In an email to a local news show they went on to say: "Like every lender, we are ultimately bound by very specific underwriting guidelines. In some cases conditions exist, such as gas wells and other structures in nearby lots,  that can significantly degrade a property's value. In these cases, we are unable to extend financing due to the unknown future marketability of the property."
Mr. Smith was quoted as saying,  "If I can't refinance, could somebody get a loan to purchase my house?  That would be my concern. That's definitely a worry".     
We always site web links to support our facts.
Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield, New Lisbon Neighbors, Concerned Burlington Neighbors                                                                                                             607-965-8564
GAS DRILLING – Comments from a seventh generation landowner. May 8, 2012  pg 15         
Barbara Clifford of Montrose, PA has not leased her 200 acres to a gas company even though she expects she could make an awful lot of money.  “We’re about seven generations here.  I’m 76, and all my life I’ve spent protecting and maintaining this place for future generations.”  She also can’t imagine where else she would want to live.
When asked about others who have leased she said, “People around here are honest people, and they expect other people to be honest too. So I think when they signed, they really believed what they were told, and the industry is so new, nobody knew what could happen.  And now, every farmer I’ve talked to that has leased is worried to death about what’s going to happen to their land.”                                                                                            

Our ads are always paid for by your neighbors, never by outside interests.
Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield, New Lisbon Neighbors and Concerned Burlington Neighbors 

GAS DRILLING = AIR POLLUTION  April 24, 2012  pg10

Ozone levels in rural gas fields may exceed those of our worst cities. In March 2011 pollution in the Upper Green River Basin in Wyoming triggered levels of ground-level ozone worse than those recorded in Los Angeles, one of the smoggiest cities in the U.S.                                                                            This industry produces an astonishing amount of air pollutions,”  according to Joe Osborne, legal director of the Group Against Smog and Pollution. The result on a local level can mean greater risks for cancer, neurological and reproductive problems.  The smog that forms from the pollutants can make it hard to breathe, aggravate asthma and other lung diseases and permanently damage lungs.                        

While people may elude the threat of water contamination, no one will be able to escape the fouled unhealthy air.  Compressor stations, flaring wells, chemical vapors, diesel exhaust and pipelines leaking methane may create and worsen respiratory problems for those living near natural gas drilling.                                                                                                             Please visit our web site for additional information.          
Co-sponsored by Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield, New Lisbon Neighbors and
Concerned Burlington Neighbors   PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY 13315   607-965-8564          
Please support the Town of Burlington survey to develop a Comprehensive Plan for our town. This survey will become the vision of town residents. It will guide the actions of the town board for years to come.
                                                                                                                                                                    Every resident and landowner has a stake in the outcome. Whatever your feelings about the future of Burlington, make sure your opinion is counted. A good response will result in a better plan. We urge you to fill out your survey and return it before the April 27th deadline. Give the committee drafting the plan the information it needs to develop a plan that reflects the desires of the community. 
                            Our ads are always paid for by your neighbors, never by outside interests.                                                  Concerned Burlington Neighbors     PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY 13315    607-965-8564 

GAS DRILLING – It’s not your grandfather’s well  April 10, pg 9

We’ve heard “They’ve been doing this kind of drilling for years…
so what’s the big deal?”
Conventional vertical hydraulic fracturing has been done since the 1940’s. In the 1990’s the industry began using a technique called High Volume Slickwater Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing. This new process uses enormous amounts of water, toxic chemicals and intense pressure to release the gas that is trapped in the shale deposits. Dr. Anthony Ingraffea, a hydraulic fracturing expert, says that what the industry fails to say is “they’ve had fewer than 10 years of experience on a large scale using these unconventional methods to develop gas from shale.”                                 

Older wells were vertical wells but now the process continues with a horizontal drill. These lateral lines are what make it possible for the drilling from your property to extend under your neighbor’s land.

We always provide web links to support our facts.

Co-sponsored by Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield, New Lisbon Neighbors and Concerned Burlington Neighbors   
PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY 13315     607-965-8564

David Bohlander of Bradford County, PA never signed a gas lease. Neighbors who did were told that the gas well drilling would last about 3 months. They were told the land would be restored to it’s earlier state. Unfortunately, well pads may end up being used for alternate and extended industrial operations.  On leased property adjoining his, the gas company was granted a permit as a regional treatment plant. They process toxic waste including used drilling fluids, used frack fluids and produced water. This treatment facility accepts flow back fluids from miles away. It operates 24/7 with extensive noise, lights and traffic.


Bohlander’s 150 year old, 190 acre family farm suddenly feels like an industrial zone. His once quiet country road may experience up to 1,200 truck passes each day. He says the fumes created at the open air processing site can burn the skin if standing near by. This facility could have been located in an industrial area if the township had proper land use control. Instead, his community now suffers these environmental impacts with no economic benefit.


We always provide source information or web links to support our facts. 

Co-sponsored by Advocates for Morris, New Lisbon Neighbors, Protect Pittsfield

Concerned Burlington Neighbors     PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY 13315    607-965-8564

GAS DRILLING - OUR CHILDREN   March 27, 2012  pg 11
Families, pediatricians, and communities are urged to work together to ensure that children are protected from exposure to environmental hazards. Children eat, drink and breathe more pound for pound than adults do so they are more vulnerable to these hazards. According to research they are not able to metabolize some of the toxins as well as adults do. This exposure can have profound negative results during the critical period of development in the small body of a young child.
Hydro-fracturing brings increased traffic, noise, air and water pollution, storage and disposal of toxic materials into a community. Is that the environment we want our children to live, learn and play in?
Don’t our children deserve clean air, water and a good night’s rest?

GAS DRILLING – Federal Scientists Warn NY of Fracking Risks  March 20, 2012  pg 11
Two highly regarded national government agencies, The United State Geological Survey (USGS) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have released separate documents that warn NY DEC regulators of safety concerns if horizontal hydraulic fracturing is allowed in the Marcellus Shale.

The USGS report discusses the contamination of private and public drinking water supplies while the EPA says that NY regulators are not prepared to regulate the shale gas drilling, and not enough money is allocated to enforce the new proposed regulations. The EPA also raises concerns regarding the severity of radioactive pollution associated with drilling as well as the disposal of these contaminants. The USGS disputes the DEC’s argument that drilling could be done safely at 500 feet from water supplies.

With more and more information about the impacts of drilling steadily entering the conversation from previously fracked states, these agencies have more scientific knowledge and data. It is becoming apparent that NYS is not ready for hydrofracking for natural gas. More comprehensive impact studies are needed. Governor Cuomo, like Maryland Gov. O’Malley, should be checking the science and safety of fracking before committing NYS residents to the possible contamination of our state’s water and air.                                                 

GAS DRILLING – Will your property rights be respected?   March 13, 2012  pg11
In August of 2011, NY Republican Senator Greg Ball toured Bradford County, PA. where he witnessed the effects of Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing on the county’s natural landscape. The experience was eye opening and now Ball is asking his colleagues to take a tour of their own, before allowing the gas industry to move into New York State.
Senator Ball has proposed a 1 year moratorium through June 2013 and has introduced a “Property Owner’s Bill of Rights” (S5879). The legislation will protect all New Yorkers from the financial and health risks associated with the drilling process. This legislation would require the gas companies to:
·        Inform the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources what chemicals were   injected, the source of water used, how much water was used, and whether any radioactive components resulted from the process
·        Conduct an appraisal of land owner’s property before signing a lease agreement using three independent appraisers at the cost of the company             
·        Reimburse property owners 150% of the real estate’s market value of property based on estimates prior to drilling and 100% of the cost for full remediation of ground soil and water in the event that there is contamination by any producer
·         Provide to any person affected by such contamination, free medical monitoring for life


Gas Drilling – 2 Judges uphold Home-rule  March 6, 2012  pg 13


The two recent court decisions in favor of local land and road use controls create a new environment in which towns can act to protect their residents from the impacts of fracking with less concern for legal challenges.  

On  February  24th, in the Middlefield ruling NY Supreme Court Justice  Donald Cerio wrote:  "The state maintains control over the 'how' of such procedures (drilling) while the municipalities maintain control over the 'where' of such exploration".

Towns all across Otsego County are in the process of enacting Bans and Moratoriums. Although appeals are expected, it is also anticipated that these solid rulings will encourage additional municipalities to defend the  clean air, water and health of their residents before they loose the opportunity to do so. 

                                                                                               February 21, 2012  pg 3
Concerned Burlington Neighbors is a group of town residents that came together in the summer of 2011 to address concerns about how horizontal drilling and high-volume hydrofracturing for natural gas (fracking) will affect our quality of life.
Gas drilling brought us together. But Burlington needs to do more than protect our clean water and clean air.  Burlington can thrive - with a real economy, based on local agriculture, services and manufacturing –  a place where future generations will choose to live and raise children.
That’s why we support local planning – to protect Burlington from outsiders who don’t care about us or Burlington, who could take what they want and leave us with their mess.
Gas drilling’s impact is a threat to us and to our children and grandchildren. But whether or not we have gas drilling in Burlington is almost beside the point; we need to be prudent about our future and plan for the “what if’s; otherwise, the “what if’s” have the upper hand. All organizations, from small businesses to the US Marines, plan this way.
Unfortunately we have not planned for the future. We have no Comprehensive Plan, and without one, as Burlington residents we have no legal means to protect ourselves. In fact as things stand, anybody--not just people, but corporations and even governments--can do anything here as long as it's not illegal, and create a precedent for anyone who comes next. For instance, if Otsego County is going to have its own landfill, it will be put in a town without a comprehensive plan.  And since we don't have one, we couldn’t   do anything about it.
Unless we act and develop a meaningful plan we give up local control and hand our future to strangers. Writing a plan is our opportunity to decide our future, in our own way and in our own time, for ourselves.
In 2009, after 18 months of work, the town Planning Board proposed a Comprehensive Plan that was rejected by the Town Board. That plan needn’t have been rejected in total; it could have been revised to better fit the needs of the community. But it wasn’t. The result? A shadow over a new attempt to draft a more acceptable plan.
Without a plan we can’t defend ourselves just when we need to deal with outside threats to our health and quality of life – not to control when we shoot at targets, or how much old farm equipment sits behind the barn. The town board must take an active role if this process is to produce anything of value. Another failure will be just another waste of time and tax money.
    1) The Town Board did the right thing by putting in motion another Comprehensive Planning process. However, the committee must get to work and produce a meaningful plan. We do not think this process can succeed unless the Board is represented at the committee meetings. The Board should establish clear deadlines for defining progress. If those dates are not met, this committee should be disbanded and the process started again from scratch.
    2) We ask the board to immediately enact a moratorium on the development of heavy industry and major development projects in our town. This should last until the Comprehensive Planning process is complete. This would protect us temporarily, until we have a chance to develop a plan and the residents of the town can debate what standards should be put in place. It is simple, conservative prudence.
    3) We need more communication between the Town Board and the residents. The Board has discussed creating a town website. Residents need to know what business will be discussed before Board meetings begin. The Board should act without delay to create a website where meeting dates, agendas and minutes are available to all town residents in a timely manner. It need not be fancy, or costly.

Concerned Burlington Neighbors  PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY 13315  607-965-8564


GAS DRILLING –Could this happen on our Farms?    February 14, 2012 pg 9

Don and Carol Johnson have been farming their property in Shippen Township, PA. for 53 years.  In April 2010, fracking waste water from an impoundment pit on their farm leaked into a pasture where their 28 cattle grazed. The water contained among other things barium and the radioactive element strontium.  “The spill killed all vegetation in an area 30’ x 40’. In early May, Pennsylvania’s Department of Agriculture quarantined the cows, worried that the resulting beef could be tainted and make people sick. East Resources objected to the quarantine, saying it was an unnecessary step to take.”

According to Johnson only 3 of the eleven calves born that spring,. “They were born dead or extremely weak.” She said, “I might lose one or two calves a year, but I don’t lose eight out of eleven.”  Though tests have not proven that the deaths were caused by anything related to the spill, the Johnsons aren’t convinced.   Carol now warns hunters she sees near her property not to eat any of the game they catch. “Deer, grouse, rabbits, they’re up on that [well] pad licking,” she says. “They don’t know what’s in the water. The whole thing has become one big mess.      

According to Iris Marie Bloom, “Only the best-documented cases tend to make their way into the news, such as the seventeen cows which died in Louisiana in 2009 after ingesting fracking fluid which Chesapeake Energy said was more than 99% water. Official documents show that to be the case; in fact the fracking chemicals were diluted at 3 gallons to 627 gallons of water. Still, seventeen cows died in agony within an hour of drinking the fluid, which leaked from a valve left open.
A new report just released by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) re-examines previous estimates for shale gas in the US.  It states a drop of more than 40% from a 2011 estimate of 827 trillion cubic feet. The new estimate for the Marcellus region, including NY, states that the amount is probably about 141 trillion cubic feet of gas: “A 66 % drop from the 410 trillion cubic feet estimate offered in the agency’s last report.”

“The sharp downward revisions to its estimates were informed by more data. Drilling in the Marcellus accelerated rapidly in 2010 and 2011, so that there is far more information available today than a year ago,” the EIA report said.  “ The Marcellus shale which was previously thought to hold enough gas to meet the entire nation’s demand for 17 years at current consumption rates, contains instead a 6 year supply.”  That’s only one third of the last report!

Why so much variation in the amount of recoverable gas?  According to Philip Budzik, an EIA research analyst, “Companies highlight their highly productive and profitable wells, while ignoring their ‘dogs,’ thereby giving the public the impression that every well is a ‘gold mine.’

Honestly, do these companies deserve our trust? Considering all the dangers to the water and air, not to mention the challenges to those communities living on the shale, is it worth the degradation and destruction?
Co-sponsored by Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield, New Lisbon Neighbors and Concerned Burlington Neighbors                

GAS DRILLING and OUR WATER     January 31, 2012  pg 9
Paul Hetzler is a former environmental engineering technician with NYSDEC, who managed scores of groundwater remediation projects in the 1990’s, reviewed countless hydrogeologic reports and saw thousands of lab results from contaminated wells. In a letter to the Watertown Daily Times, Hetzler stated, “I’m familiar with the fate and transport of contaminants in fractured media, and let me be clear: Hydraulic fracturing as it’s practiced today will contaminate our aquifers. Not might contaminate our aquifers. Hydraulic fracturing will contaminate New York’s aquifers. If you were looking for a way to poison the drinking water supply, here in the Northeast you couldn’t find a more chillingly effective and thorough method of doing so than with hydraulic fracturing.”
While Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing certainly won’t contaminate every well, Hetzler’s experience has taught him lessons about how the drilling will affect the future of our aquifers. “There’s no such thing as a perfect well seal. Occasionally sooner, often later, well seals can and do fail, period.” He went on to say that, “If your well goes bad, neither you, nor your children, nor their children will ever be able to get safe, clean water back. That’s too high a price.”  December 13, 2011
Co-sponsored by Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield and Concerned Burlington Neighbors PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY

GAS DRILLING – HEAVY TRAFFIC AHEAD!    January 24, 2012  pg 15

David Kagan, a resident of Tolbert Village in north central Pennsylvania, “sat from 11:30 am until 2 pm just off Route 44 counting trucks. The tally: “55 water tanker trucks (40 of them the long, 18-wheeled semis) and 29 construction/excavation /materials trucks. That’s 84 trucks in 150 minutes, or roughly one every two minutes. Lately, this has been going on 24 hours a day.”                                                   
The DEC estimates 1,149 heavy truck trips and 831 light truck trips for a single horizontal gas well. That is just when they are loaded, so double the numbers to include the return trips and add them together for almost 4000 truck trips. Additional wells on the same pad would use fewer trucks, but the numbers would still be huge. These are only the trucks that are directly associated with the gas drilling. The DEC has ignored all of the other trucks that would bring in pipe and equipment to build the gathering pipelines and access roads, to build compression stations, or to repair the roads that will be damaged by all the other trucks.                                                                            
Do not doubt it could happen here.  It has already happened in PA.                                                                                          Co-sponsored by Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield and Concerned Burlington Neighbors   

GAS DRILLING – Why does the gas industry tell 2 different stories?  January 17, 2012  pg 3
Corporations are legally bound to their stockholders to assure them the highest profits and alert them to the inherent risks of their industry.

Quoting Chesapeake Energy Corporation’s 2010 annual report to stockholders:

 “The natural gas and oil business involves a variety of operating risks, including the risk of fire, explosions, blow-outs, pipe failure, abnormally pressured formations and environmental hazards such as oil spills, natural gas leaks, ruptures or discharges of toxic gases. If any of these should occur, Chesapeake could incur legal defense costs and could suffer substantial losses due to injury or loss of life, severe damage to or destruction of property, natural resources and equipment, pollution or other environmental damage, clean-up. Our horizontal and deep drilling activities involve greater risk of mechanical problems than vertical and shallow drilling operations.”    P.67

The industry tells its stockholders that the process is dangerous, so why don’t they tell their lease holders and the public the same thing?

 Co-sponsored by Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield and Concerned Burlington Neighbors 


Gas Drilling – Can it affect your mortgage?  January 10,2012 pg 10

Fracking on residential properties “…carries heavy industrial risks and the ripple effects could be tremendous.”                                  NY State Bar Association Journal, November/December 2011

Section 21 of the standard Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac mortgage prohibits the borrower, or anyone else, from using, storing, disposing of, discharging or releasing environmentally hazardous substances, specifically gas, on the mortgaged property. http://www.tompkins-_Drilling/Focus_Groups/Assessment%20Documents/draft3residential%20leases.pdf
Whether it’s you or your neighbor who has leased property, a home’s proximity to a gas well may violate the terms of your mortgage. Secondary mortgage market guidelines may not allow new mortgage loans on leased properties. “If homeowners with gas leases can’t mortgage their property, they probably can’t sell their property either.” NY State Bar Association Journal, November/December 2011Co-sponsored by Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield and Concerned Burlington Neighbors
GAS DRILLING – Your home. Your Loss? December 20,2011  pg13
For many of us our home represents our most valuable asset, a nest egg for retirement. That’s what Jared and Heather McMicken and their neighbors thought until their water turned brown after hydrofracking began in Bradford County. The PA Department of Environmental Protection test results found polluted water and explosive levels of methane. The State DEP told the family to evacuate their home stating in a letter “an investigation indicates that gas well drilling has impacted your home water supply” and ordered Chesapeake Energy to help the family.

Chesapeake installed an air pump system to vent the home and supplied a water buffalo with regularly delivered water for bathing and laundry, but not suitable for drinking and cooking. The gas company continues to say they are not responsible for the contamination. With no end in sight, Heather says, “I’m going to be forever scared.” They can’t afford to move because the value of their home has fallen by 85%. Their home, once valued at $250,000, is now worth only $35,000. Jared says, “You know, if your home doesn’t have fresh water it’s pretty much worthless.”

Co-sponsored by Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield and Concerned Burlington Neighbors
PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY 13315 607-965-8564


Gas Drilling Why have a baseline water test done NOW? December 13, 2011 pg 12

Who should test their water?

DEC recommendations: Owners of wells within 1 mile of a gas well pad should consider testing.

When should testing occur? Community Science Institute recommends that private well owners test:

1.  2 to 12 months prior to drilling activities 

2.  2 months after drilling 

3.  Every 2 years for the productive life of the gas well, and for at least 10 years after abandonment and plugging

What should a residential well be tested for?

It should be tested for high levels of salts, metals (iron, manganese, barium, arsenic, lead, strontium), organic materials (oil, grease, surfactants), volatile organic compounds (benzene, toluene, xylene), methane gas and radioactivity. The tests are expensive - $686. They cover all major impacts from shale gas operations (compressor stations, pipelines, storage tanks, containment ponds, gas wells). Wells and groundwater can be contaminated due to exposure from spills, storm water runoff and leakage due to equipment failure.

Water testing must be done by a NYS Dept. of Health Certified Lab for the results to be credible in court should there be contamination. 

Why should a landowner pay for the water test? PA landowners have learned the hard way as they bear the responsibility to prove their water was clean prior to drilling.  

Is this what New Yorkers can look forward to?

Co-sponsored by Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield and Concerned Burlington Neighbors                                                                             PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY 13315   607-965-8564

Gas Drilling - Do you know how close a fracked well can be drilled 
from an existing structure?  November 22, 2012  pg 10
According to the proposed DEC permit guidelines, a gas well can be located
150 feet from an elementary school, hospital, nursing home or church and 100' from a house.That’s a stone’s throw away from your home! When a blow out or toxic spill occurs, this isn’t much of a protective barrier.
The lack of restrictions on gas emissions, toxic chemicals, noise and light pollution at the well pad provide little protection to those who only want clean air and water. If you don't think it will happen to you, remember that's what the residents of Bradford County thought until it was too late.
Co-sponsored by Advocates for Morris, Protect Pittsfield and Concerned Burlington Neighbors                                                                             PO Box 56, Burlington Flats, NY 13315   607-965-8564
Be Prepared - You can't stop them from taking your gas.  Nov 15, 2012 pg 18

Maybe you thought you had property rights. Maybe you thought the minerals under your property belonged to you. In New York State there is a law that allows gas companies to take your gas without your permission. If your neighbors have leased, drillers can set up shop next to your property line and drill horizontally right underneath you. They must give you a small royalty for the gas. Of course, they are
the ones who determine how much they remove.                                                                                                                                                 

The process begins when an operator applies for a permit to drill and demonstrates he controls at least 60% of the gas rights in a spacing unit which equals 640 acres or one square mile. The remaining 40% of the property can be pulled into a pool leaving the land owners no option but to be forced into releasing their mineral rights. This is called compulsory integration or forced pooling. Compulsory integration is required when any owner in a spacing unit does not voluntarily integrate their interests with those of the unit operator.

There are 3 options for payment the land owner must choose from. The percentage of the royalties weigh against the amount of liability you choose to take on. The more royalties you get the more liability you take on. The cost of operations is described in the section of the DEC website entitled Landowner Option Guide.  

Compulsory Integration is just like Eminent Domain. The only difference is it allows private companies to take our property instead of the government.  In nearby PA, Governor Corbett, an otherwise staunch supporter of drilling, told gas industry                                     representatives, “I do not believe in private eminent domain, and forced pooling would be exactly that.”                                                                                                                                                               

Do you think it is right for OUR to allows drillers to violate your property rights so blatantly?                                                                           New York State should repeal the law that allows this unconscionable violation of our property.